
PBPC Newsletter October 11th, 2024

Welcome to the Plant Based Products Council Newsletter!

In this edition, explore the latest in PBPC news, activities, and groundbreaking innovations in the sustainability and bioeconomy sectors. Stay informed on current trends, updates, and exciting developments shaping our future.

Missed our latest issue? Read the September 27th newsletter here.

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Climate change and sustainability continue to be top of mind for all Americans, and its effects are already felt by the millions in the workforce that are driven by the agriculture sector. Join PBPC Senior Director of Sustainability Jamaica Gayle and other climate heroes on Oct. 24 for an informative discussion about plant-based products and circularity’s key role in addressing climate challenges. More details coming soon!


This week, PBPC and its members recognized the ninth annual Bioplastics Week. Presented by the Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) to raise awareness of the importance of bioplastics and other renewable resources in expanding the U.S. bioeconomy and positioning our country as a leader in circularity. As part of our ongoing efforts to expand education and knowledge around this key part of America’s agriculture sector, PBPC Executive Director James Glueck contributed a blog post about the important facts the public and policymakers need to know about bioplastics and renewable materials.


U.S. Department of Agriculture leaders hosted representatives from the plant-based products industry for a discussion about the potential of bioplastics. The USDA National Policy Summit on the Future of Bioplastics brought together industry champions, including PBPC members, with federal government representatives to discuss research needs, policy proposals, and the power of procurement efforts to drive the industry forward. PBPC Executive Director James Glueck participated in panel discussions at the meeting and says the Administration “should be commended for its work to ensure renewable plastic products have a seat at the table for critical conversations that impact the future of the ag bioeconomy.” Read more about the event on PBPC.com.


The federal government has several upcoming grant deadlines for projects aimed at boosting recycling, supporting composting, and reducing waste. Programs include:

  • Sustainable Materials Management Grants: $250,000 in funding for projects that improve community resilience and sustainability through sustainable materials management approaches. Funding available in eight southeastern states. Deadline: Oct. 31
  • Healthy Communities Grant Program: $500,000 in funding for environmental justice, pollution prevention, and sustainable materials management projects in six northeastern states. Deadline: Nov. 1
  • Trash Free Waters Art and Slogan Competition: $3 million in funding for an applicant to manage a statewide high school art and slogan competition to reduce plastic waste in states bordering the Gulf of Mexico. Deadline: Nov. 5
  • Trash Free Waters Micro/Nanoplastics: $5 million in funding for projects to remove or prevent microplastics and nanoplastics from reaching waterways. Deadline: Nov. 5
  • Community Change Grants: $2 billion in funding for environmental justice projects that reduce pollution and create climate resilience, specifically in communities adversely and disproportionately impacted by climate change. Deadline: Nov. 21


PBPC member and plant-based, renewable manufacturing leader Primient recently announced a $400 million co-location partnership with Sustainia, a global leader in Bio-MEG, or monoethylene glycol. The facility in Lafayette, Indiana, will be shared by the two companies to produce a renewable, plant-based alternative to petroleum-based MEG. Primient CEO Jim Stutelberg says the partnership “is a great example of Primient truly living our vision of building a better future through plant-based solutions. By integrating Primient and Sustainea’s strengths, we are driving biobased innovation and filling the void for renewable, plant-based solutions.” Read the full details of the collaboration on Primient.com.


As a key voice within the agriculture and biomanufacturing sectors, PBPC and its members prioritize the education of policymakers and the public on the importance of a renewed Farm Bill. As the future of the Farm Bill continues to be clouded with uncertainty and gridlock, make sure you have the most up-to-date resources and information by visiting our updated Farm Bill Priorities page, which has the latest information about bill co-sponsors, decision-making in Congress, and more.

Recently, PBPC Board Members met in Washington, DC with House Agriculture Committee Chairman Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-PA) and staff for Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) to push for the inclusion of PBPC biomanufacturing policy priorities as part of a Farm Bill reauthorization.


Help PBPC send a message to lawmakers that the U.S. has the farmers and innovators and now we need the policies. Support for the ag-based bioproducts industry is crucial to the U.S. economy, environmental sustainability, and American innovation.

Two bipartisan bills that can help grow the U.S. ag bioeconomy have already been introduced in Congress:

Send a letter to your lawmakers today and urge them to include the Biomanufacturing and Jobs Act, nationally uniform bioeconomy terminology, and the Ag BIO Act in the Farm Bill!

Send a Letter Now

Support the ag-based bioproducts industry by sending a letter to your lawmakers

Follow along for more Farm Bill updates on PBPC’s channels: Twitter (X), LinkedIn, and Facebook.


Interested in becoming a PBPC member? All PBPC members receive a variety of benefits that provide their organization a voice in Washington while helping them stay up to date on the latest policy developments, communicate with their audiences, access valuable insights, and more. Read about PBPC’s impact on the industry in the 2023 Annual Report. Tiered membership levels are available to fit the needs of any member of the plant-based products supply chain. Visit our website or reach out to PBPC’s Keniece Barbee to learn more.


Almost every day we see new developments in the plant-based products space. Here are a few of our favorites that provide insights into today’s industry and what’s ahead for circular innovations.

As more consumers seek environmentally friendly products, corporations are adapting to meet these demands by offering more sustainable solutions. Here are some of the top stories covering these trends and providing insights on the latest industry news.


With environmental reform being a top priority for Americans, there are often new developments in the regulatory space to be aware of and track. Here are a few of the top happenings in the White House, on Capitol Hill, and in the U.S. legal landscape. 


The dedicated work of our members toward a more sustainable future never ceases to amaze us. From setting sweeping environmental commitments, to partnering with others to make sustainable solutions more accessible, to launching new plant-based materials. Below, find some of the impressive work of our members over the last weeks.
